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EMFA: T4H1 - PPR Host Note - Important

- - E-Mail for All - - - EMFA-EVENT - - - Universal Access - -
      http://www.iaginteractive.com/emfa - Details Below

Private and Public Roles - Host Note

The information technology for the online event has worked very 
well. Thank you to Wavefront Communications for the excellent 
behind the scenes work.

The mechanical technology with my return flight yesterday from 
quick day trip to a Harvard Politics on the Net seminar (hello 
to the EMFA subscribers I met there) did not work so well. :-(  
At least I got a decent chicken sandwich at the airport hotel in 

I am now back "in the saddle" in Minneapolis and as noted on 
Monday, ready to help bring the Universal Access Conversation 
to a close my the end of the day on Thursday.

What to expect today and tomorrow:

  1.  A couple more essays that are general in nature.

  2.  One more Networking Communities comment digest.

  3.  A message highlighting the posts in the archive.

  4.  A short informal survey about the event.

  5.  A technical good bye with important e-mail list details.

  6.  Any submitted comments on Theme 4 that we receive.  

>From a general perspective, many of the issues in Theme 4 have 
been touched on already. Reading the theme questions closely, it 
is clear that this theme could be the basis for an entire 
event!  The last thing anyone wants to do with any conference is 
attempt to analyze or solve the most complex problems in the 
last few minutes as the "room" begins to clear.

Here is our challenge with Theme 4.  Read it, reflect on the 
event, and send in the policy questions you think we missed in 
the event as a whole.  Please point out the issues related to 
universal access to e-mail and Internet that you feel should be 
explored in more detail in the future.  And of course general 
comments on Theme 4 are welcome.

Send your policy questions, issues, or comments to:  


Thank you being a part of the Universal Access Conversation.


Steven Clift
Event Host
Markle Foundation's E-Mail for All

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Markle Foundation's E-Mail for All Universal Access Event
 WWW/Un/Subscribe Info: http://www.iaginteractive.com/emfa
 Sub To: majordomo@publicus.net Body: subscribe emfa-event

 Forward event posts via e-mail to others, for details on
 other uses or to send general comments:  emfa@publicus.net
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