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EMFA: Welcome from Markle Foundation

- - E-Mail for All - - - EMFA-EVENT - - - Universal Access - -

Welcome to the Markle Foundation's E-Mail for All online event:

Universal Access Conversation
Building a Networked Nation on the Global Internet

We are delighted that you are joining us for this two week 
event.  As of today we have approximately 550 people signed up 
from more than 30 countries.  The value of this event will most 
certainly come from the participant audience and the thoughts 
and stories you present.

E-MAIL FOR ALL is the outreach component of the Markle 
Foundation's research and programs that are exploring the 
political, economic, and social dimensions related to universal 
access to e-mail and the Internet.  EMFA is designed to promote 
a national dialogue on universal access to e-mail and the 
Internet and supports our research at RAND, Bellcore, the 
Brookings Institution, and Carnegie Mellon University.  For 
information on our mission and programs, please visit the Markle 
Foundation's main web site: http://www.markle.org

I look forward to learning along with you as this conference 
unfolds.  Watch for instructions on how to submit essays and 
content during the event and together we can create a useful 
experience and a lasting online resource.


Zoë Baird
Markle Foundation 
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 Markle Foundation's E-Mail for All Universal Access Event
 WWW/Un/Subscribe Info: http://www.iaginteractive.com/emfa
 EMFA-EVENT posts may be forwarded via e-mail, for details
 on other uses or for general comments:  emfa@publicus.net
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